Can there be too many posts about home offices and their accompanying accessories? I think not. Take a gander at the following items I found at Horchow's website. {Disclaimer: I use Horchow images a lot because they are really lovely items ~ not that they are in my budget}.

I think Ballard Designs might carry pushpins that match these paperclips. And look, they do. Although these are gold.

I have something similar to the above set, except my pen holder started life as a bathroom tumbler/cup that I found on clearance at Home Goods {and it's a harlequin pattern, not a check pattern}.

THIS would go so great in that home office in my mind that I posted about a few weeks ago. I must figure out a way to make my own as this magnetic board is $65.00 at Horchow and is 13 x 19.
Love the colors in these notecards and would love to find something similar but with home decor elements instead of shoes {although the shoes are really cute!}.

File boxes that don't look like file boxes.
Along these lines, let me just offer up this teaser ~ I contacted a company that I've mentioned before in blogs {no, not Horchow} to see if they would consider a giveaway. I am very happy to say that they have agreed and will be sending me something of their choice as a giveaway item, some time this month. I don't want to say too much, because I'm always afraid I'll jinx it, but I think it will make for a great giveaway! Look for that giveaway later this month.
Hi Kathy! You always find the prettiest things to show us!!! Thanks so much for grabbing my button. I was having problems with it, but I see you found a way around them...Thanks!!
My Desert Cottage
oh wow I love the very first one so much!! And yes I cant wait for the giveaway..seems pretty tempting !
A lovely post on Home Office's here, Kathy! You are right - you can never have too many posts on home offices. We have a regular feature on the Bright.Bazaar blog called Office Inspiration; it's even featured Orla Kiely's office.
Enjoying your blog as ever!
Hi Karen! I was determined to get it in my sidebar! LOL!
Thank you, Bash! Yes, please, check back. I hope they follow through (I think they will) and I'm very excited about it.
Yes, Will, I like your Office Inspiration posts. I think that is what started my mind whirling on home offices!
Love the desk accessories, especially the top ones. Thank you for stopping in and your wonderful sidebar support~hope you win!
Thanks for coming by, Sande! It's my pleasure to post it on my sidebar; you have a lovely blog and your website is just filled with gorgeous things - I hope to shop there soon. I hope I win, too! : )
I love these accessories! I long for a beatiful stylished office myself! I dream on having one whole magnetic wall for project presentations where I can put my inspritional pieces, fabrics and paint chips. : )
Kathy you always blog about such beautiful things . . . I blogged today about removing moss from roofs. Hmmmm -- quite a contrast here! (I do think a moss free roof is a beautiful thing though.) Beautiful pics!
Those are beautiful pictures - I especially like the unique file cabinets!
I love Horchows, but not their prices! Great group of photos.
Hi Nora ~ A magnetic wall would certainly make it easy to move things around while putting together a presentation board.
Thank you, Margaret! How nice of you to visit me here. I have to get back over to AR and post {I've been so bad; I have about 3 posts half way done}.
@ Design Esquire ~ I like when things like file cabinets are disguised. I had to do a double take on those; pretty, yet functional!
I'm with you, Cathy! They always have such pretty things, but the prices are out of my budget!
Hi Kathy ! Lovely office storage images. I am looking forward to your giveaway.
And I did make a fabric covered magnetic board a few months back.
Check it out here:
Thank you, Kate! I have saved that post to my Favorites. Excellent job on yours!
Hello Kathy,
It's so nice to meet you! I really appreciate the sweet B-day wishes and your kind visit to my blog. Thank you for following along as well. I'll do the same. Your blog is so beautiful and elegant! I'm so happy you found me so I could find yours. I'll be back often!
The office items are beautiful! The pretty harlequin set reminds me of Mackenzie Childs. The push pins are darling as well.
Have a blessed day my friend.
~Warmly, Melissa :)
PS I found the smaller stand in our bathroom at Ross but it's a little bit wobbly. I think I need a better one from Michaels or Marshalls. The silver stand with the "M" was from Marshalls. I should have bought two. :)
I'm displaying your lovely blog button too! ~So pretty!
Hi Melissa! Thanks so much for coming to visit my blog and grabbing my button! I agree, that set does look like Mackenzie-Childs.
We don't have Ross here either, but I do remember seeing a whole aisle filled with stands at Michael's last time I was there. I'll have to check them out next time {if I don't get distracted!}.
Looking forward to seeing you around!
So many lovely choices here!! Lovely blog you have too.
Thank you, Kellie! So glad you came by!
Hey Kathy~
I am so with on Horchow. I love so many things I find there, but the price is usually more than I want to spend. I adore those paper clips!
sigh...when it grows up my home office wants to be beautiful, too! Great products. Thanks so much for visiting me today! I have added your name to my give away...
Good day, sun shines!
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