I had bought a package of black and white scrapbook papers and this embellishment/paper set below, a couple of months ago. This came with paper, too, but I really just wanted all the little doo-dads it came with.
I really liked the design of the "Enjoy" embellishment {I would have liked a different word, but you take what you get}. I picked out three of the black and white scrapbook paper designs, and cut them to be just a bit smaller than the sides, front and back of the box. I covered the knob feet and lid knob with aluminum foil and spray painted the inside and outside of the box black. It took two coats with some touch-up in certain spots.
I Mod Podged the paper onto the box and the "Enjoy" embellishment had a sticky back, which I just pressed onto the front. I then painted the feet and top knobs in white using a small sponge brush.
Here's a view of the back paper used. {You can just see the frame of the picture I painted black this past weekend}.
I just left the inside plain black. I've held off on doing something to the top of the lid {I just feel like it needs something} because I'm hoping to find either a pretty ribbon that will work with it or a small patterned stencil. When I'm not sure, I like to wait until I see something that "hits" me.
And here it sits for the time being.
I'm linking this post up with:
DIY Day over at Kimba's A Soft Place To Land
Don't forget to check out our new Giveaway for this week! A beautiful Thomas Paul pillow from AllModern.com!

Kathy this box is so pretty!
I just love the crisp black and white combo. Always a classic and looks really elegant. ~Lovely.
~Happy Halloween! ~Melissa :)
Very pretty - you did a great job. I have used scrapbook paper for so many things, but not for scrapbooking. :) Looking forward to seeing the checked design on the word Family.
I love the patterns you chose. Very pretty. :) Thanks for the visit!!
Cute box Kathy! It looks perfect with your "Keep Calm" print!
Very sophisticated looking, mine always come out looking cutesy but that's because they're usually involving my three year old. I always have trouble with the hinges and getting the holes I make in the paper line up with where I need to reattach. It looks like yours went on really well. Like how you left the top rim of the box black. I've tried covering them and it always complicates things.
Black and white always gets my vote. Maybe a red ribbon.
Love the box.
So cute. Clever that you left the edges of the sides exposed. that dresses it up a bit I think. Is there candy or something else to "enjoy" on the inside?
Too cute!!!!
m ^..^
Great job! Love the black and white!
Soooo cute...I love it!
Hi Kathy, Thanks again for featuring me in the 5 things you didn't know post.I got your e-mail... I apologize for just now responding. Crazy week! I haven't been on the computer much lately. I have lots to post soon though... I love what you did to this box! Too cute!
Hi Kathy,
Your box turned out beautifully! I love black and white decor, as it's timeless and classic. I love coming here each week to see your new creations. Two thumbs up for sure!
Have a wonderful day and thank you for your sweet comments!
Hugs and Love,
Hi Kathy,
I love the box. That is such a great idea. Thank you for sharing.
Really cute Kathy. I love that you put feet on your box and of course I love the black and white. Great job!
I turned out so cute and goes so well with your picture. (like the polka dot paper on the back too).
pk @ Room Remix
Thank you, Melissa! I've doing a lot of the black & white lately because I feel I can use it in any room. Although, I'm freshening up my living and will be bringing in black and white, so if nothing else I have some new accessories for that room.
Hi Glenda! The check is not working out on my Family sign; I've gone all black with it. I've been using scrapbook paper for everything except scrapbooking myself! I just think the papers are so pretty and lend themselves to so many projects.
Thank you, Amanda! I thought it would be fun to mix up the patterns.
Hi Karen! I didn't even realize I used the same scrapbook paper on the front of the box until I put it near the picture! I guess I like that pattern.
Thanks Katie! I thought of that with the hinges myself and the paper misses them. I did find a pretty, thin white ribbon with black dots that I'm thinking of just gluing around the edge of the box lid, but leaving the top itself bare.
Hi Lee! That's my thinking ~ I can't go wrong with black and white!
Tracy ~ That's exactly what I was thinking of putting inside! Maybe some Hershey's Kisses ~ something that I would "enjoy".
M ~ Thank you!
Thanks, Angie! I had fun doing it, too!
Great job!
ooooh, it's pretty ! I think you should keep chocolates in there.
Thanks, Christine!
I am leaning toward the chocolates, Tammy! : )
LOVE black and white decor!!!
Kathy this beautiful and it looks perfect next to your frame.
Very simple and beautiful
I love this project! so cute! love your blog!
Very classy and I love it next to your equally wonderful framed project!
Hey Kathy,
Thanks for adding my new button, I'm glad you like it!
Oh this is so cute. 6 years, huh? Well congrats to finally decorating it. superb!
Adorable! Sometimes it takes a while for inspiration to hit, but when it does it's usually worth the wait---even if it is six years!
Aww, this box is darling with those knobs on it! It gives it such personality. Good job!
Hi Fifi ~ I think it's classic and timeless.
Thank you, Beth! I really enjoyed taking something plain and fixing it up a bit.
Thanks, Jennie! I'll probably wind up moving some of those things, but I like them there for now.
I am enjoying simplicity, Beverly!
Hi Stephanie! Thank you!
Thank you, Chelsea! All this black & white on the brain has me freshening up my living room now!
Must I have a time limit on procrastinating, Amanda? : )
I was actually going to do something completely different ~ six years ago, Joy!
L ~ what is so great was that it came with those knobs already on!
Popping in to say "thanks" for the idea of using my little leaf bowl for a gravy or sauce at my dinner party. I appreciate the suggestion.
I also appreciate seeing all your great ideas on your blog. I bought my first container of Modge Podge last week & intend to try some of your projects.
Thanks for sharing & for the suggestion, as well.
♥ Rettabug
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