Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Fairy Pretty

Okay, get ready to “ooh” and “aah”!  I’ve managed to incorporate babies and interior decorating in a post!  I am just going to let these pictures speak for themselves, but I have just seen the tip of the iceberg with the Kidtropolis blog.  I have my daughter to thank for adding yet another blog to my list of those I visit!

nursery.kidtropolisnursery.kidtropolis.9 nursery.kidtropolis.4 nursery.kidtropolis.7 nursery.kidtropolis.2nursery.kidtropolis.6 nursery.kidtropolis.5 nursery.kidtropolis.3nursery.kidtropolis.8 nursery.kidtropolis.10 nursery.kidtropolis.11

All photos are from the Kidtropolis blog.

You definitely want to visit these folks.  From what I skimmed through so far it is eye candy and inspiration all rolled into one! 

Reminders:  My CSN Giveaway runs until August 7th!  My Swap sign-up is still open until August 15th!


Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

This is gorgeous but I needed to see a photo of THE baby! You are one talented Mimi or...grandma....or granny(?)...nooooooo not granny. My mother was a Mimi...I think I will be a Mimi too..

Lou Cinda :)

Brittanie Gordon said...

OH MY!! I thought we were done having babies.. but that makes me re consider ;)

Geezees Custom Canvas Art said...

I am completely in love with this room.
Thanks for sharing this with us!

Kelly @ Much To Do With Nothing said...

Oooo! I love it! All the girl things are the prettiest.


Marsha @ Tattered Chick said...

Oh, how precious is this!!!!!!


Jen @ said...

Wow - that is just amazing! What fun!!


Heathahlee said...

OH. MY. WORD. That is so gorgeous!

Maria Killam said...

Wow is that a fun kid themed room or what! Love it!

cribs said...

If my daughter sees this post. I am sure that she will get interested in those pictures. She loves fairy tales. For me the most fascinating in those pictures is the lamp. Very creative lamp.

Unknown said...

What a lucky little girl! That is over the top. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving your nice comments. I really appreciate it.

Rosemary said...

How great is that nursery!!!
Love it!

Design Esquire said...

WOW! That is a very lucky little girl.

Charo said...

OHHH! So cute room!

Melissa Miller said...

Oh my goodness Kathy this room is gorgeous! ;)

One Cheap B*tch said...

Wow - wonder if they have a boy version?!

Playing Sublimely said...

Oh I love this, right up my ally. And I would love to see what you come up with for a craft room...I always love your stuff!

Unknown said...

Thank you Thank you, a million times for the lovely comment. You just made my day.

Yvonne @ StoneGable said...

Could you imagine sleeping in this room? Fairytale!

Julia @ Hooked on Houses said...

Someone sent me the link to that site (maybe it was you?) and I loved it. So creative! My daughter would flip over a room like that.

Darlene - Our Creative Life said...

That is one magical room! So creative! It is refreshing to see something different! We do custom rugs for Baby & Kid's rooms and we love designing & making creative rugs for nurseries! Our initial & monogram rugs are our top sellers. Check them out at said...

Oh my gosh, that little fairy door is just the cutest! I need one of those!!!

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