How is your weekend going? I spent a good part of today working on a project for my hubby. He’s doing a “fun day” for his team at work this coming week. This fabric will become cornhole bags. Yes, you read that right. Cornhole bags.
He’s making the boards while I’m making these.
Not only did I have to go buy the fabric to make them, but I had to get a bag of corn! A 50 pound bag of corn. Don’t even get me started. Here are the bags sewn up and ready for the corn.
To top it all off, my sewing machine just decided to splutter along and it appears to be on its last legs. So I have ordered my Brother SE400 embroidery sewing machine. I should have it next week.
Here’s me putting the corn into the bags. Exciting stuff! Meanwhile, here are the finished bags.
These will not be making an appearance in my Etsy. Once the boards are all done, I’ll share the whole cornhole experience with you.
Are you kidding me? His friend just called and asked him to make one for when they tailgate at the Bengal’s games! It is taking everything I have not to turn 12 years old again over the name of this game. You’re welcome.

Kathy that is a fun game! Charlie and I made corn hole boards last year. I didn't make the bags, I ordered them on-line. We love to play and we play a lot in the summer! Try not to work too hard and enjoy the rest of the weekend. Gail
I didn't even know what this game was until I looked it up! LOL! I had a pretty good idea from your picture of the bags. I feel you pain! :) The things we get ourselves into just because we know how to sew! You're a good wife!
You sound like a Kindergarten teacher! My mom made all of mine when I taught! Looks great and how exciting- a new sewing machine!
so sweet of you to help him! and yay on the new embroidery machine:)
Oh- Yeah...I always thought the Cornhole game was common only to the Midwest! The kids (big and little) love it, don't they? xo Dana
Too funny, Kathy. My best friend back east spent quite a bit of time a few years ago searching for just the right cornhole boards for her hubby for Christmas. I did a double take and had to say,"WHAT's the name of that game?" I'm with you on that. Oh well, growing up we played an outdoor game called quoits (pronounced kwates) which most people might say sounds odd but we loved it! You're a great wife!
I must live in a vacuum, I don't know this game. But your bags look fabulous. Hugs, Marty
Oh I forgot to tell you, your new machine looks amazing. I would love it. Hugs, Marty
I'm in Australia and we have cornhole here too. We have a game at work and sometimes on a nice day will get a game going at lunch time. It's not all that common here but is fun to play.
We also had quoits (but pronounced it coits) growing up.
Making bean bags (or corn bags) happens a lot around here - I'm a children's pastor and run toddler play groups, creche, sunday school, after school kids clubs, kids camps - all of them need more bean bags at different times. So easy to make but the kids (big as well as little!) love them.
Keep up the good work - your hubby will love you for helping him.
Good grief, girl-- At least you kinda got a new machine out of the deal, Kathy!
I love this game! We have a small store bought one that converts into "hillbilly horseshoes", or washers toss. I always said I wanted to make a big corn hole set. Can't wait to see the finished boards! And exciting you got a new sewing machine,
I never heard of a corn hole bag.. I was wondering is your hubby a farmer?? Hah~! Well we all do things for love...but for his friend too? Forget it!
Hysterical! I think I might have to do something like that for the boys' birthday party this year!
Well I am an ole lady yet I have never ever heard of this game. lol
That is one of things I love about blogging is learning something new everyday
I will now have to look up this game to see what I am missing. lol
Now I must catch up with you while I am here.
I always enjoy my visits with you.
Oh you ask me what kind of business am I thinking of in the pink house. I change my mind about every other day but would love to have a shop where I could have beautiful pieces from artist around this wonderful world of blogging.
My land lady wants me to have a bed and breakfast so I am not sure.
Love ya
Kathy....I love playing corn hole!..When my hubby's team travels to tournaments, we all many times gather together at the hotel after games and play corn hole...We wives are pretty competitive too....
What a fun project!!
I haven't laughed this hard for a whi1e! But thanks for stopping by and checking out my garden! Best of luck with the fun and games!
We love to play that game. Our neighbors made us the boards one year and I was like you, I made the bags. However the bags got wet somehow and they sprouted and ended up ordering new bags from a company online.
Hi Kathy,
I have never heard of the game.
Your new sewing machine looks wonderful. How cool to be able to do embroidery with it.
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