I was dropping off some clothes at Goodwill Friday and figured, you know, while I’m here, I might as well look around. After seeing a bunch of bloggers finding great frames last week, I decided to head straight to that area and jackpot!
I found all of these behind larger size frames. I’ve decided this one is my favorite and that means I have no idea which of the ten ideas rolling around in my head I’m going to do.
I’ve seen similar styles to this next one get transformed in blogland.
This one came with a print, but that will be coming out. Those colors would have gone with the dining room in my old house, but not here.
This little one I almost passed over, but then gave it a second look. It’s not ornate or detailed in any way, but it is wood and it does have its glass. I think once it’s painted it will have a little more life.
I also picked up three paperback books and then proceeded to rip the covers off them when I got home. I wanted another book stack to put on my pedestal since I put my other one in my tote.
I was pleased to see that the Paris stamped muslin I wrapped around it fit so you can see “Paris”.
Now, onto the giveaway winner! The lucky winner {chosen via random.org} of my giveaway for Lara Spencer’s book, I Brake For Yard Sales
is #40 ~ Jamie!!!
Congratulations, Jamie of Domestically Speaking!!
Please confirm your win via email with me and I will need to send your mailing address to the publishing company for them to mail you the book.
New giveaway coming up this week ~ I think you will really love it!
Linking up with
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday at Coastal Charm

I know how much you love frames and can't wait to see what you do with them. I have a couple of frames from my dad's house and I really don't know what to do with them.
Happy Sunday!
Great frames Kathy and I LOVE your new book bundle!!
Wonderful found treasures whilst thrifting, Kathy!!! I think you really scored on those awesome frames!
Love your book stack - and it is perfect with your Paris showing!!
Have a wonderful day.
And- and congrats to Jamie too!
Those were great frames! Would certainly give a house a warm and cozy feel due to all the photos posted using these frames.
Kathy, Thank you so much for this fabulous giveaway! I am beyond excited about this!! You know how much I adore you and your blog so I just love that I won this from you. :) I can't wait to read this book as I really enjoy Lara Spencer myself. Not to mention thrifting and yard sales...
I love the picture frames that you found this week. Especially the second one. The books wrapped in the stamped muslin are so beautiful! ~ Jamie
P.S. I hope that you got my e-mail this afternoon
Great finds Kathy! The wooden frame will look great painted.
Love the variety of shapes on the frames, especially the lacy frame. They'll be great painted! Hope I can find some GW bargains tomorrow! Linda
I can't wait to see what you do with the frames. Great finds. It pays to move things out of the way to see what's behind them.
Hi Kathy! Catching up on your past posts. As always, looks like you've been busy with lots of great projects. You scored some nice frames from GW. I bet you're SIL will be comfy while on her visit. The guest room looks great. Oh, and happy belated b'day to hubby.
I haven't happened upon any pretty frames lately. But I have lots of plans for when I do!
You did score on those frames. You're like me you get rid of some stuff but add more at that same time! lol
Congrats to Jamie!
Congrats to the winner...and congrats to you for finding the great frames...I look forward to seeing what great ideas you will with come up with!!...
I can hardly pass a Goodwill without stopping. You just never know!
Great frames! Your favorite is my favorite too. Can't wait to see what you do with them!
Great frames. I love shopping GW and yard sales for frames. It's so easy and inexpensive to change them if they aren't the right color. Looking forward to seeing how you transform them. Happy Monday.
Cute looking frames. I love the books with the stamped muslin.
Great frames! I've really had fun with Goodwill frames too! I love your books with the Paris Muslin! It all looks great! Congrats to Jamie!
Can't wait to see what you come up with for your little frames. I buy my old paperback books to make book bundles with from GW too! Cheap and less guilt that way. Ha! Love how your large one turned out.
Love those little frames Kathy! I also love your book and paris ribbon!
Kathy, good morning! I just wanted to let you know that i received the book last night. I'm loving it so far! Thanks again. ~ Jamie
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