**This Giveaway has ended.**
Two years ago today, I began a pathetic attempt at creating a blog. I wanted it to be an extension of my website. Some place where I could share decorating information and tips without overcrowding my website. It has become so much more than that.
It took me a little while, but I realized that I needed to put myself, my personality, into my blog posts. I think it was a change for the better. I have met some wonderful people through my blog. People who are supportive, comment on my posts, and say the nicest things in those comments. People who have become my friends ~ who I love to tease and who I look forward to contact with.

I don't believe I've gotten any business as a result of my blog itself, but I think it allows someone who might be thinking about calling me a chance to see that this is me. What you see is what you get. I like pretty things. I like to help people. I love to laugh. I really hope that comes across.
So this is an opportunity for me to thank you. All of you who read my blog. Whether you comment or not. Whether you like me or not. I picked up some special things at a great boutique near me called Lavendar Fields. I hope that you will like my gifts, because I just love them. In fact, I can't believe I'm giving them away!
How fitting that they are wrapped in such a regal color! A journal {basically an altered composition notebook} and two metal crown hooks.
How to enter: Leave me a comment. You don't have to have a blog, but you have to have an email {and leave it with your comment if you don't have a blog}, so I can contact you if you win. Giveaway ends Sunday, January 3, 2010, at 8:00 p.m. EST. I'll either announce the winner shortly after that time or by Monday.
Thank you, again, my friends and readers. I appreciate your support of my blog more than you can know.