I was in Kohl's tonight and saw they were having a sale on frames {40-50% off}. I saw a frame that had dividers for three pictures and thought this might work. I took my package of card stock scraps {best $2.99 I ever spent ~ I've been using these a lot}, hoped for orange card stock {found it} and cut it to fit.
I then printed out the BOO letters but since the openings were too small to include the whole graphic, I just cut the letters out. I used my glue stick to glue them to the card stock and then just put it in the frame.
And there you have it! Easy Peasy!
Thanks, Karen!
How VERY cute! Are you SURE that was easy? I love it!
wowww, what a neat idea,,,,I love these frame,,,,so colorful, so different,,, happy halloween.....
Hi Kathy,
I love it!! It's adorable! What a great use for those letters. Thanks so much for participating today!!
good find with that 3 frame.
cute idea.
barbara jean
Very cute idea! I love the lettering and it looks adorable on your table. Hmmm, I may just have to mimic that idea! ;)
~Happy Fall~
That looks really cute ! Gotta love Kohls, they are always having a sale.
Very cute Kathy! I love the three spot frame idea. Soooo simple and soooo cute!
I really love this idea, Kathy! and it turned out so CUTE! Gotta love the price too.
pk @ room remix
It looks great! The color is perfect too.
I assure you Donna ~ it was very easy! Done in a half hour.
@NiceCrane Designs ~ These are great for me because I can't find some of my Halloween stuff and last year I got rid of the stuff that was looking scarey in a bad way.
Thanks, Karen! I almost missed it. You should have seen me scrambling last night to get it done and the post up! : )
Thank you, Barbara Jean! Gives me the seasonal touch with spending a lot of money ~ I love that!
Thanks, Liz! Very quick and easy ~ go for it! It would look great with your harlequin lamp. : )
Thank you, Tammy! I couldn't believe the sale they were having. I think everything I bought last night was on sale or clearance. Of course, I only went in there for a top . . .
Barbara Jean ~ That should be "without" spending a lot of money!
Thanks, Lisa! I'm all about simple projects!
PK ~ It is cute! I like it! It looks like the last "O" is not lined up right in the pictures, but in real life it is. Just thought I'd mention that! : )
Thanks, Christine! I didn't really have any scrap book papers that were good color-wise and then I remembered that card stock scrap package I bought. Thankfully, there was orange in there.
Very cute...love the frame and of course the price! I think I will have to head over to the Graphics Fairy.
I was suprised that no one has commented that the Graphic Fairy link is not working. :(
Thank you, Chelsea! Easy and inexpensive ~ my favorites!
Thank you for letting me know, Laura. I had no idea and normally I do check. Just goes to show I must do it every time!
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