Hi, my name is Kathy and I’m a fabric addict.

There I said it! There is no more fooling around with “I need to use the fabric that I have before I buy more.”; “ I am not buying anymore fabric until I use what I’ve got!” and, my all time favorite, “I don’t need anymore fabric!” Who am I kidding? I am totally tempted by a remnant bin. Give me a coupon for fabric and I’m putty. I melt over fabric samples that are big enough to make some cute little thing. It’s time I took ownership of my weakness.

So now that I admit my fabric fanaticism, I need to figure out a better way to store all this fabric I keep bringing into my small craft/sewing room. Everything has a place in here and extra fabric that finds it way in upsets the balance of motion. In other words, I can’t move around this tiny space with all this stuff not in its rightful place!

I did pretty well keeping what I fit into my two bins neat and organized, but then ~ well ~ I bought more fabric. That’s when I heard of these

comic book boards. Yes, they are used to store comic books, but apparently, work well to store fabric and make mini-bolts. I found these on Amazon and 100 - 6 3/4 x 10 1/2 inch boards were $7.99. A small price to pay for being able to store more fabric. They are not very thick cardboard. You could also use the large warehouse buy cereal boxes, or anything else that has a very sturdy cardboard, to wrap the fabric around.

So I took out all my fabric and proceeded to wrap them around these boards. I got the idea here. This woman has more fabric than I do!

Once wrapped, I just used a couple of straight pins to hold the fabric in place.

I cleared out the bottom shelf of one of my little bookcases and put them there. I was able to fit all the fabric {with some room to spare} on the one shelf. Ultimately, I’d like to sell off those pillows taking up the room on the top shelf and move the fabric up. {Watch for a sale in my Etsy!}

Now I’ve got some extra room on the wall shelves, since I removed the bins that were holding the fabric. It will be nice to move some things around. I won’t show you that part yet because 1) I want to have something new to show at the Where Blogger’s Create party at My Desert Cottage on July 11th and 2) I have no idea what I’m doing yet! But, at least the fabric is organized!