Tammy at In Stitches has awarded me an Honest Scrap Award. Thank you, Tammy! How cool, my first award!
Here are the rules that must be followed upon receiving this award:
1) Say thanks and give a link to the presenter of the award.
2) Share "10 Honest Things" about myself.
3) Present this award to 7 others whose blogs I find brilliant in content and/or design, or those who have encouraged me.
4) Tell those 7 people they've been awarded HONEST SCRAP and inform them of these guidelines in receiving.
Here are 10 things about me....
1) I would do anything for my family ~ my kids and hubby are my life.
2) My birthday is on Halloween. {Never mind how old I'll be!}
3) I think I have a pretty good sense of humor.
4) I like things to be neat and organized and can get in a foul mood if MY things are messed up.
5) I will be married 25 years in May and I think I love my hubby even more today.
6) I have not been on a real vacation in 5 years and I really, really need one.
7) I hate to cook.
8) I've been eating gluten free since last November and diagnosed myself with Celiac Disease {and a few months later that was confirmed by blood test}. I miss all the foods with gluten in it that I used to eat ~ badly sometimes.
9) I have a degree in Criminal Justice and worked loss prevention for Marshalls for a couple of months ~ before I decided retail hours were not for me.
10) I was a stay-at-home Mom for 14 years.
And now, I'll pass this Honest Scrap Award onto the following blogs, which are beautiful and have inspired me:
A very talented and creative group of bloggers that I am proud to follow.
Oh, yay! I'll get right to work on that!
How fun to get to know a little bit more about you! So great to now know that you share your b-day with Halloween and that you're still madly in love with your hubby :). My 2 yr old has Celiac, so I know (somewhat) the challenges you face. It's not an easy diet to follow in our carb-crazy culture. I'm not crazy about cooking gluten-free, but we do it a lot to accommodate Zephan. If you're into cakes and cookies, I find the new Betty Crocker line of gluten free products the next best thing to the real thing!
Somebody has a birthday coming up !:) I can't wait to check out these blogs !
And I look forward to reading it, Miss Mustard Seed!
Thanks, Beth! I do love cookies and cakes; I will have to look for that Betty Crocker brand. The good thing is that there is more and more gluten free items coming out. They are so expensive, but at least there are some choices.
Besides learning more about people, this is a great way to find out about other blogs, Tammy. I have your list and Design Esquires to go through at some point.
Thank you very much Kathy! You are the sweetest to think of me in this group of wonderful bloggers. I really appreciate it.
Thanks for your kind visist last night as well. Etsy people are so talented. I'm just soooo not a crafty type. I would LOVE to learn how to make tassels though! :)
It was fun to learn more about you! I have a friend with celiac disease. It is so tough for her to eat anything packaged.
Lovely, Melissa ~ I can't wait to read yours!
Thanks, Laura! It can be tough and you have to read every package. Some packaged stuff is good {Coco Pebbles, Utz potato chips}, but again you have to read every label at the supermarket. Good thing is that a lot of them are carrying more of the gluten free foods.
Kathy, I am honored that you featured me! I have to get working on this ASAP. I am learning a bit more about you everyday! :)
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