I'm joining in and adding this post to Hooked on Houses for Julia's weekly Hooked On Friday feature.
I really like upholstered headboards. My fear is that if I get a patterned fabric it will grow old fast. Finding these pictures of upholstered headboards reassures me that I can do a solid fabric, too, and still get the great upholstered look I want.
Upholstered headboards {purchased} range from $199.99 {Target} to the thousands of dollars and many in between. The variety of shapes and sizes insures that there is something for everyone.

And then you come across talented, creative and patient bloggers like these, who did it themselves!
They both did a fabulous job, didn't they?
I'm not sure which style I like better, but at least I know there is a wide range of choices and price points. I can even make one myself! Which is your favorite?
I love the diamond tufted headboards best -- especially the purple one!! :-)
We made the upholstered headboards in our guest bedroom and our master bedroom. In fact, we made an entire upholstered bed for our bedroom :-)
I love upholstered headboards! I tried to get my husband to by one but it didn't work.
you have an award waiting. Thank you
Hi Kathy!
I lurve upholstered headboards! I could even afford that one from Target, and it looks just fine!!!
Amanda and Kate are both very talented indeed.
Linda. :)
Great assortment of headboards!
It's like you read my mind! I've been thinking of changing to an upholstered headboard. Never knew Target sold them ;) Love the tufted ones, but the last one is cool too because it would be so easy to change out the fabric. Jane T.
I really love that Ballard Design headboard!
I looked for years for a headboard, then finally decided to have an upholstered headboard made - in a solid color - and I love it!
Wow, those headboards are beautiful! Even the one from Target was gorgeous with all the detail and tufting. Love them!
I love upholstered headboards! I made one for my guest bedroom and it was actually pertty easy - and it would be easy to switch out the fabric too. Great post.
Thanks. Our upholstered headboard is in it's 2nd live in daughter's room with a quilted spread pinned over it. Maybe the original fabric will come back in style.
The blue & brown one at the top is gorgeous. Upholstered headboards always look so comfortable. Maybe I should give up on finding a french bedframe for $15 and just upholster a headboard. Thanks for the inspiration!
Really, Kelly? The purple one. I would never have thought of you, as I was saving it for use in this post that you, Kelly, would love the purple one! ; ) Did you do a post on yours? Now I have to look because I want to know all about it!
@ Always The Abramyans ~ I think if I get one with wood surrounding it, I'll have an easier time of convincing mine.
Really, Amanda? Thank you!
Who would have that Target, Linda! I was surprised myself. It looks like the JC Penney one, only less money.
The only problem with that, Fifi, is that it makes the decision even harder!
Hi Jane T.! I've been kicking the idea around myself. I might look into something thrifty and doing it myself.
@ Things That Inspire ~ I'm so glad you love your solid color. I think that is the safest for me and I can add pattern with decorative pillows.
All these pictures are really winning the argument for getting/doing an upholstered headboard in my master, Jane.
That's the way I am thinking of going, Christine. I'm not looking for any fancy shape, although I would like the tufting.
My favorites are the first one from Target, and the blue toile one from Ballard Designs.
So fun!
Love the pagoda shaped headboard with the blue and white swirl pattern.
Terry ~ Glad to hear that your upholstered headboard is getting a second life in your daughter's room. You know how sometimes "what's old is new again" ~ maybe that will happen with the original fabric.
That is my favorite, too, Marian! That's why I chose it as the top picture. I'll bet you could do it too!
I don't know what's nicer, Stephanie, the shapes or the fabrics being used!
Hello CelebrityDigsHQ! I love the tall, shaped ones. What an impact in a bedroom!
these are very nice would love to have a headboard to do.
I can't pick a favorite because there are only a couple that I don't like. We have an upholstered headboard and I love it, but sometimes I wish I would have gone tufted. One of the reasons that I didn't was that it would be much easier to swap out the fabric when I got tired of it if it wasn't tufted. (lazy I guess? :-))
pk @ room remix
Amanda ~ I wonder what Goodwill and the thrift stores carry.
Good point though, PK. Something else to consider for sure.
Thanks for the sweet shout out, my friend! I only wish mine was as delish as some of these professional ones. I think my favorite by far is the $199 one from Target. Who knew Tar-jay sold upholstered AND tufted headboards!! It's simplicity makes it so beautiful, in my opinion. I was just gearing up to make another one for our master bedroom, but now I'm reconsidering to buy this one from Target...I am in LOVE!
My pleasure, Amanda ~ kudos where kudos is deserved! I know, I was a little surprised to see it come up when I went to Target.
i think they are all very pretty. I found them fairly easy to make on my own just don't have any at the moment. Lots of future fantastic ideas though!
Great collection of headboards :) these are classic designs. I love the patterns but my favorite is one at the top, I love the colors.
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