I decided I wanted to try something a little different this year and put wreaths on my front facing windows. I just naturally assumed that they would hang on the outside of the windows, but after having some very heavy winds the past couple of days, I've been wondering if that is the best way to go.
I've never done this before, so I searched for pictures showing both and I'm wondering which you all prefer. Inside or outside?

Here is a great post by Apartment Therapy with some ideas of how to hang wreaths on your windows and in other areas of your home.
I plan on hanging two on the outside of my front dining room window - only I hadn't thought (too much) about wind. Hmmm... oh well! I'll definitely be outside for me, regardless of weather!
Victoria @ DesignTies
(avoiding homework to comment on your blog)
I'm going to have to pick outside the windows. I've hung them inside for years, but I really want to put a few outside this year.
I love wreaths on windows. I dont think you can go wrong with tons of wreaths either. I usually have one on my door, then above my door on our archway. Who knows maybe this year I will put them on my windows too!
The first photo in your post is amazingly over the top in the wreath department! WOW!
I was just pondering this question myself, with the blustery weather. Still thinking I'll try outside and see how it goes...
Hi Kathy:
I'm a hang the wreath on the outside of the window person. I know what you mean about the wind but I have too many blinds on my front windows to make it work on the inside of the window.
Have a great week.
I love them both, but my preference is outside. You're right, though...when it's really windy, they do get blown around. But they're so pretty! I don't have mine on yet, but they will be this time tomorrow! : )
We usually only hang a wreath on our front door - however this year our new rental house lends itself to two windows being perfect for wreaths and we'll probably hang them outside this year! I love all these pictures, such great inspiration!
One of my favorite decorations is hanging wreaths on my windows. I hang them on the outside of all the windows on the front of my house and I also hang them on the inside of some of the windows on the back of the house.
Oh Kathy....I just LOVE that first photo you posted of the yellow house with all the wreaths in the windows!! I struggled to get 3 of them to hang exactly the same on my front windows. I can't imagine doing that many!
I put mine on the outside & after securing them on the inside, I took strips of duct tape & anchored one little branch on each of them to the window on the outside so they wouldn't flip around in the wind. We had your same weather conditions here. So far, its working & they're still straight.
p.s. ♥ your blog!!!
I loved all the photos and especially the the first one. I have both indoor and outdoor wreaths and enjoy them all. Thanks for sharing.
We also have these unbelievable winds that whip through our neighborhood.
We use a 2 step process to hang our wreaths:
Step 1: A piece of ribbon that wraps loops around the top of your wreath and holds the wreath. Open the top window panel and slip ribbon through and close window. We put a bow over that ribbon (but you wouldn't have to)
Step 2: A suction cup that also has a hook on it. Place that on the bottom of the wreath to secure the bottom. You turn the hook portion upside down to hold onto the wreath. (too bad you can't see my hand movements trying to demonstrate!!)
These 2 steps keep them very secure!
If this makes no sense at all...let me know..hope it helps!
Can't wait to see how they look :)
I vote for outside wreaths. I love the way they look on a house. I'm always impressed when I see one at every window...as in your first wonderful photo. We've been having gusty winds at my house too. I just put one on my front door. It's almost time, isn't it? Rosemary
LOVE the first picture. I never even thought of putting it on the outside...great idea
Kathy, I'm an innie....I have 6 wreaths hung on my sunporch windows....MAYBE I'll actually get around to taking some pictures after I'm fully recovered from Thanksgiving.....
I have 2 flower boxes out on the front side of my house....What's something SUPER CUTE I could put in them??? I want fresh ideas.....
I would have to say BOTH! I'm planning on hanging the typical wreath on the front door, as I do every year. I'm also working on a couple of wreaths to go inside since I don't think they will weather well. One is the Tiffany package wreath from Martha Stewart (on the holiday cover last year I think!) and the white gumdrop wreath, also Martha. I'll probably hang one in the kitchen and one over the mirror in my foyer. I LOVE the picture you showed of all the wreaths on every window. I wish I had that many windows and the $$$ to buy all those wreaths! Such a beautiful look!
I know this doesn't answer the question but I like them both inside and out! Although mine are usually outside but then you've seen our window setup which explains...
I usually just do one on the outside of the door but I love every window! Maybe I'll try that this year!
I love wreaths and hang them all on the outside of the windows facing the street. I love the look!
First of all your house is absolutely gorgeous!
Second, I do outside on the front of the house to be viewed from the street and inside on the back of the house to be viewed from the kitchen etc.
I agree about the wind though, our problem tends to be falling leaves getting stuck on them....sigh
I have always hung them on the outside so I wouldn't squish the bow, but the inside would be an option! Bowless?
Is the first photo your house? GORGEOUS!! LOVE all those windows!
Lou cinda :)
Lord, I just had an epiphany! Which can be scary!
What about using those suction cups with the hook? You would normally stick it on the window and hang the wreath on the hook, BUT you could use the hook to secure the bottom of the wreath and suction it down!
Look at me with a good idea!
Lou Cinda :)
Shut uo! I just read above and someone already does that!
Well....great minds thing alike right?
I'm going now....
Lou Cinda
I prefer wreaths outdoors (seems more welcoming). Also, since I like my wreaths to be real, it's a whole lot less messy if I leave them outside rather than in!
wow I wish that was my house to so beautiful.. :)
That first photo is fantastic, isn't it? They must have spent their entire Christmas budget on wreaths! :-) Can I choose both out and in?
That is the cutest post title I've ever read...seriously!!!!
We have a couple inny-s in our dining room. CT weather is rough - but our light up flamingo is still going strong none-the-less!
Love these ideas!
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