We interrupt your Wednesday for another edition of "5 Things You Didn't Know About . . .", as we visit with the talented and inspiration-provoking PK of Room Remix {the blog}!

Favorite music at the moment: I like a wide variety and can't listen to an entire CD of just one artist all the way through. Even if it's someone I really love, I get bored. At the moment - contemporary christian, pop and a little country thrown in here and there.
If you didn't live where you do, where would you live: I would like to live somewhere warm. I haven't thought a lot about where, because I won't be moving any time soon, so that would just frustrate me. :-) Ideally I would come back here for a month around Christmas time - just long enough though to get my snow fix.
Favorite cocktail: I'm not much into cocktails really. My favorite beverage is my big mug of chai tea every morning. I might be addicted. :-)
Best advice you ever received: My dad is a minister and always told me to put God first and everything else would work out. Not maybe the way I thought it would work out, but that it would always be okay in the end. Unfortunately I haven't always followed it, but I think it's good advice to live by.
Person you most admire: There are many people I admire for different reasons. I would say one of the qualities I admire most in people is the ability to be comfortable in their own skin and to truly be themselves no matter where they are or who they're with.
Thank you, PK!
Be sure to check back next Wednesday to see who we find out "5 Things You Didn't Know About . . . .".
As you were, people!
Great "5 things" Kathy. PK is one of my favorite bloggers and I enjoyed getting a bit more insight into her personality.
Fun to learn more about PK! Thanks :)!
What a great theme! I love it. And I love PK - she is awesome!
Thanks Kathy for featuring me and for the very kind description. I'm not sure I can live up to it, but I'll try! :-) Hope you have a great day...
You are already doing it, PK, so there is no pressure to "live up" to anything! : )
Sooo, The P K is for preacher's kid ? Great advice from Dad !
I enjoyed your 5 things. It's fun to get to know alittle bit more about the bloggers out there. Thanks for visiting today.
I love the black and white chest to the right. I am going to find a piece to paint like it. Enjoy your blog. Kathy
Love PK. :) By the way, Kathy, the key to taking blur-free pictures without a flash is using a tripod or setting your camera on a surface. You can get a cheap tripod for under $20. Just a thought!
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