The winner of the Thomas Paul Brocade Pillow from AllModern.com, picked by random.org, is . . .
Tiffani, I'll be emailing you shortly for your full name and mailing address, which I will provide to AllModern.com so they can send your pillow on its way to you.
Congratulations! I hope you enjoy the pillow!
Stay tuned for a very special giveaway coming up later today.
Did I hear that someone was having a birthday today? Happy birthday Kathy! Hope it's a good one.
Enjoy the entire birthday weekend!
~*~Happy Birthday Kathy!!!~*~ :)
Hi Kathy! I know I told you yesterday, but Happy Birthday today! Hope you have a wonderful day. Congratulations to Tiffani. She's a lucky girl - that's such a great pillow!
pk @ Room Remix
Happy Birthday!
But I don't know if I'll be able to drag myself out of bed today, seeing as I didn't win the giveaway ... *sigh*
Congrats to the winner! You lucky duck!
(I'd just like to add that several months ago I won an allmodern.com giveaway on another blog and THAT blogger chose a WEINER DOG LAMP as the prize. Good grief.)
Boo Hoo...would have loved that pillow, but I'll be a good sport! Congrats Tiffani!
And a Happy Birthday to you!! What a fun day to celebrate a birthday!Janell
Very nice :)
Happy blogoversary!
Have a wonderful, happy birthday Kathy!
Happy Birthday Kathy!!!-Nancy
Thank you, Karen!
Thanks so much, Roeshel, and for your post featuring me, as well! What a special day!
Thank you, Melissa!
Thanks, PK!
Thank you, Lisa!
@Get Your Martha On ~ Oh dear, I hope this doesn't ruin your weekend! ; )
Thank you, Janell! I'm glad you tried for it anyway!
Thank you Teena!
Thanks very much, Nancy! It's been a great day!
So excited I won a contest for this beautiful pillow! Happy belated birthday :)
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