This week we find out 5 things about:

Laura Ingalls Gunn over at Decor to Adore!
1. Favorite music at the moment: To soothe the traffic beast my daughter made me a "mix cd" of Michael Jackson's greatest hits so I could channel my inner 80's girl, and I also love Lenka: Trouble is a Friend. But the song I am finding myself humming quite a bit is "Hero" by the Christian rock band Skillet. (I am totally rereading what I just wrote and laughing because it is all over the place. But I truly love all music~ much to the chagrin of my family and friends, as I sing all day long. A lot of 60's and show tunes.)
2. If you didn't live where you do, where would you live: My husband and I are at an age where we have begun to discuss where we will retire to. We have no idea. Since he was in the Air Force we were blessed to have lived and traveled all over the world and it is so hard to just pick one lovely place. However, it would involve a beach. He has however promised I will not be buried in Phoenix. I have come to appreciate the desert, but it is far from my favorite.
3. Favorite cocktail: I am a cheap date. When I do drink, which is very rare, I love Lambrusco wine by Reggiano and the Trader Joes peach champagne. But most of the time I just drink cola. Now who out there needs a designated driver?
4. Best advice you ever received: My all time favorite quote is by George Eliot: "It is never to late to be who you might have been." I keep this over my desk. As today is my first day of another semester sitting with 20 year olds, it helps.
5. Person you most admire: This is tough. Of course Jesus and Mother Teresa are way up there. But I am more apt to be touched by the everyday hero's like Mika Hill who is a wig maker. A custom wig normally runs 300-800 dollars and she just gives them away to alopecia and cancer patients. Just this morning I read about a local cab driver, Thomas Chappell, who is going to donate one of his kidneys to Rita Van Loenen, a regular customer he drives to dialysis. Wow. That makes me think "How can I bless someone today?"
So, there you have it ~ 5 Things You Didn't Know About Laura Ingalls Gunn of Decor to Adore. I knew I liked her! Here is a link to last week's post.
Be sure to check back next week when we find out 5 Things You Didn't Know About . . . {well, I can't tell you, you'll have to come back and find out!}.
Hi Kathy! I think this is a wonderful idea! Thanks so much for putting the time into this. I'm going to grab your feature button for my blog.
Thanks for coming by for a visit. I was lucky to find a slipcover seamstress who comes to my house. Cuts and pins right there and brings back the finished product and it's perfect! I can't wait for it to get finished. My chair is draped with a matlesse coverlet for the time being.
My Desert Cottage
What a fun regular-feature, Kathy! I'll be back next week (and a few days in between, of course!) to see who you're showcasing next week!
Victoria @ DesignTies
I love this series. I love Laura's favorite quote.
I am so honored to have been selected. Thank you so much!
Thanks, Karen! That's great. I have someone I'm thinking of using and I think she works that way too. May have to wait until after the holidays, but it's at the top of my list to do.
Thanks for the support, Victoria!
Christine, I'm living that quote! Well, part-time anyway!
A pleasure, Laura! Thanks so much for participating!
Hi, Kathy, thank you for coming by, hope you're well. You mentioned your all weather wicker & in case you don't know it, there are spray paints for plastic, Krylon has one called Fusion & I think there are others now. So, you can definitely paint that wicker with this stuff, I've heard it wears great.
How much fun to have random questions!
I just found your blog, and I love it!
Hi Rhoda! Thank you, I thought there was but was not sure if it was Rustoleum or Krylon. Those chairs will definitely need freshening up once we move.
@Let It Shine ~ Thank you! I've just been over to yours as well. You are very talented!
What a great post idea! Thanks for the introduction!
Hi Kathy,
How are you doing my friend?
I have been to Laura's blog and it is just so lovely. Thank you for sharing her info with us.
Blessings to you this Holiday weekend, ~Melissa :)
Hi Melissa! I'm good, hope you are too. Laura has some great posts and I'm glad you enjoyed her blog. Have a great weekend!
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