I am so pleased to feature Emily Hagerman Designs as blog of the week. Emily is a new blogger here, but I know her from another forum. She is a fabulous designer and has exquisite taste. I am sure you will agree when you see pictures of her work and visit her blog.

I could go on and on showing you pictures of Emily's work, but I want you to visit her blog, so I'm stopping now. I know you will enjoy browsing through her posts and the accompanying pictures.
Don't forget to check out our current Giveaway ~ a pattern of the winner's choice from Design Pattern Company!
Her work is just beautiful! Thanks for introducing her to us.
I really like the living room photo and the kitchen. I like how the base of the counter is black and the pendants hang over it. Very calm.
Thanks for the introduction! Based on just the photos I've seen here, I really like her work. I'll have to check out her blog for more. Have a good day Kathy!
pk @ Room Remix
Thanks for featuring her, I like the bedroom with the ocean view!! Let me know what you think of the chili! Thanks for stopping by!
What gorgeous photos! I can't wait to check it out. Thanks for the introduction! :)
LOVELY decorating!
Classic and serene...just lovely! I'll go poke around her blog. Thanks for introducing us to her :o)
I like the way she "fixed" the offset window with panels. I'll go read her blog !
Great rooms, I am off to check out her blog!
Hey Kathy. Thanks for sharing a new blogger with us. Her designs are beautiful. I'm heading over there to check her out.
Thanks, Tracy :)
I love the second to the last room!
What a lovely blog you have and for introducing me to Emily's. Thanks to for dropping by mine.
cristin @ simplified bee
I'm so glad everyone has enjoyed Emily's pictures. She really is so talented and it is amazing to see what she had to work with "before" and what she makes of it in the "after".
Wow those pics are great! Thanks for the intro! Love that bedroom, super glamorous
Her work is gorgeous!
Hi there, I will have to go over and check out Emily's blog. So many great blogs, so little time! Do you seem to have this problem too? The pictures you show are truly beautiful...
Hi Kathy, thanks for your nice comments on my craft desk redo. I'm so glad to finally have a place to work! I was getting tired of messing up the kitchen! Emily is a wonderful designer...her work is really beautiful. Kristen
Gorgeous, I love it all! =) Thanks for sharing! ~Liz
Thank you so very much for featuring me on your wonderful blog Kathy! I feel so honoured,and I'm just blown away by all the fabulous comments from your followers. I'm having trouble keeping up with my blog with all the design jobs I currently have on the go but knowing they are so well received inspires me to find the time. Thank you again, you made my Thanksgiving weekend!~Emily
Thanks for visiting everyone!
It was my pleasure, Emily! I didn't have to do anything ~ just shared some of your pics and they did the talking!
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