I’m calling the Christmas decorating done for this year. I went a lot simpler and put out less stuff, but I like it. I still have a bit of fluffing to do, moving things around a bit, but thought I’d share a little peek of what is going on around here.
I totally redid the little tree I put in our master bedroom, from whimsical looking with bright colored ornaments, to something neutral and more natural looking. I bought some ornaments from bloggy friends and there’s burlap involved, too.
I’m also waiting on a new duvet from Pottery Barn {white} so I can have a nice neutral, Winter look to our bedroom.
I have one other thing I want to add to our kitchen for the counter, which I hope to pick up tomorrow.
I’ll share a bit of a Christmas home tour next week, once I’m satisfied with how everything is looking and can get good pictures.
Did I say I kept it simple?