What a surprise last night when I came across Liz from Savvy Seasons' post giving out the Kreativ Blogger Award and she had me listed! Thank you, Liz!

Apparently, the rules to accepting this award are:
1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
4. Name 7 things about yourself that people may not know.
5. Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers.
6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
7. Leave a comment on each.
7 Things About Me:
1. My birthday is Halloween.
2. I worked loss prevention for Marshall's several years ago {just for a few months}.
3. I am the oldest of four, but the shortest at 5'6".
4. I went to college at 35 for an Associates Degree in Criminal Justice, part-time, while my kids were in school during the day. It took me 5 years to get a 2 year degree, but I did it and made Phi Theta Kappa.
5. I met my husband when I was 19 and we were engaged 6 months later. Married at 21 and next May will celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary.
6. I have two children, a daughter who is 22 {23 in February} and a son who is 19. {And a Siberian Husky that is 9}.
7. I diagnosed myself with Celiac Disease last November {which is good and bad in it's way}, after getting "I don't knows" or incorrect diagnoses over a 9 year period from various doctors.
My nominees are ~ in no particular order:
1. Joys of Home ~ Joy because she can decorate on a budget and make it look like a million bucks {my favorite thing to do}.
2. Cheap Frills ~ Joyce for sharing her ideas and her home.
3. Pickles and Cheese ~ Lisa has a love for harlequin and fleur de lis like me.
4. Comfort & Luxury ~ Tracy has wonderful taste and shares some great inspiration pictures with us {which often prove to be a lesson in decorating as well}.
5. Creations From My Heart ~ where Sherry shares her beautiful home and how she does the things she does.
6. Embellish ~ who makes such great projects and shares the how-to's with us all.
7. Finding Fabulous ~ where Jane has recently started a Frugalicious Friday linky party and everyone gets to show off their frugal finds.
Oh, thank you Kathy...I just love getting awards! What a great surprise! I'm off to check out all the other award recipients!
Jane @ Finding Fabulous
Congatulations on a well deserved award. Loved learning more about you. I will be sure to visit your award winners' blogs.
I'll have to visit those blogs. They are all new to me. And it's always fun finding a new one!
I had to laugh when you said you have my wing chair's cousins. lol. I tink they look so pretty slipcoverd. You should really look into it for yours.
Thanks for coming by. :)
Congratulations on the award! Well deserved. Fun to find out more about you too. Happy Birthday tomorrow! I have a friend that has Celiac Disease and I know it can be frustrating to deal with. She basically ended up diagnosing herself as well after doing a lot of research. Frustrating. Hope all is going well with you in that regard. Have a good weekend...
pk @ Room Remix
Much congrats and thanks for the award! My blog is still only about 3 months old and this will be my very first one. Aww, I'm still blushing. It's been a pleasure getting to know you and you've given me ideas for some new blogs to check out. Have a great weekend and Happy Birthday!
I noticed on FB that your birthday was tomorrow... I don't want to miss it so I'll send you my BIGGEST and bestest Birthday Wishes right now!! I may catch you on FB tomorrow, though... can you handle me stocking you a little?!
It's nice to learn a little more about you, Kathy! Very nice!!
Victoria @ DesignTies
Congrats on the award - and Happy almost Birthday!
Well - Happy Birthday to you!
Thanks everybody! I appreciate your birthday wishes, too!
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