Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Fall Hydrangeas

I could hear the hedge trimmers before I even saw the landscapers last Friday.  When I left that morning to head off to my part-time job they were on the other side of the  condo community. 


Shortly after noon, when I arrived home, they had made their way over to my area.  As I heard them coming, I ran out, grabbed my little clippers and clipped the few hydrangea blooms I had this year.


Out of my three bushes, only one had blooms this year.  Another one that looked sickly (and that I posted wondering what was going on with it) is looking better now. 


Since I wasn’t sure if they were cutting back perennials as well, I wanted to make sure I got my hydrangea blooms in the house to enjoy.  I cut them off while the landscapers were just a few bushes away. 


These are about all I had this year.  I think I may have cut two blooms off in July, but otherwise I left them alone.


Such beautiful Fall colors to what are pink hydrangeas when they first bloom.  I shall enjoy these and hope they will dry naturally so I might be able to keep them.


And, while I will be grateful that I had these blooms to enjoy, I will still hope that my bushes will have more abundant blooms next year. 


Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

Those are a pretty color! I'm sure they'll dry nicely. I've heard a lot of people say they had little to no blooms this year. Bad timing with frosts in the spring is usually the reason.

Susan' Hearts and Flowers said...

Kathy , your hydrangea blooms are a beautiful color. Our hydrangea's did not bloom at all this year. The bush got tall and green but no blooms. My hubbie thinks he has figured it out, so hopefully next year we will have blooms.

Lin from A {tiny} Cottage In The Woods said...

Love the vignette you've created, Kathy. And hydrangeas? One of my absolute favorites. I think if I attempted to grow them here, the deer would eat them before they could bloom. So for now, I'll just enjoy yours. :)
Have a happy one!

ℳartina @ Northern Nesting said...

Kathy they're such a pretty color! I didn't get many blooms this year either...I think the bitter cold winter had something to do with that!! Your table vignette is so pretty!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Those are a pretty color! I bet next year your plants will be filled with flowers.

Stacey said...

Gorgeous!! I'm jealous.

Traditions By The Seasons said...

Beautiful display....love, love, love!! xo, Liz

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Oh they are gorgeous. Such fabulous colors.

JP said...

Dried hydrangea perfection...I'll be crossing my fingers that your bush will have more for next year. I will try to convince you to sell a few!;)

Our Hopeful Home said...

So glad you ran out and got the goods! I am a hydrangea nut, and support any type of hydrangea love:) We have about 10 bushes in back right now and they are blooming endlessly. And this past weekend my husband planted around 11 more in the front yard! I am beyond excited. Your colors are gorgeous, some of my favorites!

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Kathy, Love your fall hydrangeas and you got home just in time to save them from the clippers. The colors are gorgeous. My plants did about the same this year. They were huge and the few blooms I had were gorgeous but not like years past. Hoping for a better year next spring. Right now I have one mop head blooming in pink. I hope it turns like yours so I can bring it in and dry it too.


Cynthia said...

Kathy these are gorgeous. I can't wait until next spring to start our planting. Just not in the budget right now. Do they bloom the first year? I have never had them before. My plan is for 2 or 3.


Zuni, Chickadee Home Nest said...

Hi,Kathy! Nice to visit you again! Those hydrangeas are beautiful--I can't get enough of them and bring in as many as I possibly can. I bet they'll dry just fine, if they're anything like ours. Just put them where you want them and they'll "age" beautifully. I'm so glad you were able to get to them quickly! These colors are gorgeous. Mine are more of a soft pink/green/cream. Enjoy them! ~Zuni

Becca Bertotti said...

They are beautiful, Kathy and perfect for the season! Great timing on your part getting them before they may have been disposed of! I'd love to grow those ... alas, my thumb is brown. :)

Judy said...

Oh Kathy, I love the gorgeous burgundy your hydrangeas turn in the Fall! I'm in Missouri and mine go pink/lavender along with pale green. They look more like Spring hydrangeas!

sweetvintageofmine said...

Beautiful Kathy~~~I love your natural (nature) vignette! I don't think there is anything as pretty as nature brought in for decorating~~~Blessings~~~Roxie

Shabby chic Sandy said...

They look beautiful--I am always amazed how this flower changes it's color with the season :)

Kristens Creations said...

Hi Kathy, Thanks for your nice comments on my mantel! It's been a while since I've posted anything. I'm so busy with FB and my business now...Love your vignette with the hydrangeas! I'm glad you were able to clip a few. Happy Fall to you!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kathy! So glad you got to save these gorgeous blooms! I love the colors they care too! Your entire vignette looks so pretty.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Okio B Designs said...

Mine never bloomed. Grrrrr! Can I have some of yours?! =)


Unknown said...

so lovely! happy fall!

Karen said...

Your hydrangeas are really pretty. It's amazing the beautiful colors they turn in the fall. Hydrangeas took a beating everywhere because of the extremely cold temperatures, for a prolonged period of time. Mine were quite sad as well. I'm with you and hope that the temps. are better this winter and our poor bushes have a fighting chance.

20 North Ora said...

Kathy - Love the dark Fall colors of those hydranges! Mine didn't do well at all this summer - I did not have one bloom. The foliage looks great - just no blooms. ????


Cathy @ My 1929 Charmer said...

My Hydrangeas did not do well either this year. One only bloomed, but I have Endless summer which i do not feel is a good hydrangeas. Each year I say I am going to pull them out and hopefully this spring I will. The hydrangeas you have are lovely.

Cathy @ My 1929 Charmer said...
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Createology said...

I absolutely love hydrangeas. How lovely yours are! Falling into Autumn Bliss...

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